Thursday, March 20, 2014

GOT challenge - Ruffle manicure - Pietro

Salut tout le monde! On se retrouve pour un nouveau golden oldie thursdays challenge! Le thème du jour est "ruffle manicure". J'ai regardé le motif sur internet, et je me suis demandée si je pourrais faire un personnage qui va avec... et mon chéri passe derrière moi et me dit "Hé, on dirait le motif de Pietro, dans animal crossing!" Et c'est ainsi que mon chéri résolut mon problème! J'ai donc utilisé les couleurs de pietro pour la ruffle manicure, en utilisant mes kiko 279, 292, 311, 340 et 356, des crèmes basiques, que j'ai depuis plus d'un an, règle principale du concours, et qui me servent beaucoup!

Hello hello everyone! Today is the time for a new goden oldie thursdays challenge! Today's theme is "ruffle manicure". I looked for this manicure on the internet, and I wondered what character I could do with such a pattern... and my boyfriend walked behind me and said "Hey, this pattern looks like Pietro's, in animal crossing!" And that was how my dear boyfriend solved my problem! So I used pietro's colours for the ruffle manicure, using my kikos 279, 292, 311, 340 and 356, which are basic creme polishes, that I've had for more than a year, main rule of the challenge, and that I use a lot!

J'espère que ce nail art haut en couleurs vous a plu! Bisous bisous!

I hope you liked this very colourful manicure! xoxo


  1. ANIMAL CROSSING!! Girl you are speaking to my heart, and my heart is animal crossing. I've seen Pietro before and I've fallen in love with how cute he is, I really hope he's in my town once I get new leaf. You did a brilliant job with the design!!! :)

  2. Its so festive. Love the color combos and the clown design. Great job on this mani and a great choice indeed!
